These still need updated after some recent franchise changes...
links are still valid.
John Deere Dealers
Agricultural Industrial
Services Ltd
Bruce Hopkins - (John
Deere) site with stocklist and some pictures - updated now and
again - stocklist usually correct
Burdens Group - (John Deere)
Large site with stocklist
Lawrence Farm Equipment -
(John Deere) A nice site now updated fortnightly, good second-hand
list with pictures
Palmers Agricultural Ltd
RB Flett Ltd
Rea Valley Tractors -
(John Deere) Large dealership with lots of second hand kit and
some pictures
Ripon Farm Services - (John
Deere) a good site with stocklist and some pictures - updated regularly
Risbourgh agricultural Services -
(John Deere) a simple site with stocklist and pictures - usually
updated monthly
Taylor & Braithwaite
Newholland Dealers
Ernest Doe - (Newholland)
another very comprehensive site with lots of 2nd hand kit - always
Farm Services - (Newholland)
Nation-wide dealer - updated sporadically.
Hallmark Tractors Ltd -
(Newholland) Leicestershire dealer
Oakes Bros - (Newholland)
Relatively new site with good 2nd hand kit and a few pictures
G & J Peck Ltd - (Newholland)
LLoyd Ltd
Platts Harris -(Newholland)
new site with pictures of stock
Malpas Tractors -
Robert D Webster Ltd -
(Newholland) Website with stocklist and pictures
T. H. White - (Newholland)
Wedsite with stocklist
Townsend Group -
(Newholland) same as Platts Harris site
Townson Tractors Ltd

Case IH Dealers
Farmstar Ltd
Farol - (Case) dealer with
2nd hand list
F.G. Rowland -
(Case) stocklist
J G Paxton and Sons Ltd
Riverlea Tractors - (Case)
stocklist from this South West Wales dealer
Ross Farm Machinery -
(Case) also produce their own machines (rollers etc.)
Startin Tractors -
(most makes) New site with some pictures - good stock

Massey Ferguson Dealers
Chandlers - (Massey)
Large dealers in Lincolnshire
Lesters Farm
Machinery Ltd - North Yorkshire
Lister Wilder - (Massey)
Mark Weatherhead
Sanders & Twose Ltd (Massey) New site from large dealer
in the south western counties of England
MF Trader - internet site
containing listings of second-hand MF's in Europe
Norfolk Farm Machinery - (Massey)
Peacock & Binnington -
(Massey) dealer with long stocklist - infrequent updates
PV Dobson - (Massey) dealer
in west - lots of tractors
Reekie - (Massey) Scottish
dealer, also manufacture potato equipment
R W Crawford
Thurlow Nunn Staden -
(Massey) A large site

Mill Engineers -
member of combine world and has photos of their combine world stock
RW Marsh - Lincolnshire Claas
dealer - recently updated with comprehensive stocklist
John McNae -
(Claas) Small site for Ayrshire dealer with second hand list
Southern Harvesters -
Kent, Sussex and Hampshire
Vaughan Agriculture -
Serving Wessex farmers (also Vlatra Valmet)

Dealers of specific machines
Adams Cundell Engineers Ltd ACEPlant - UK
based site for trading farm machinery
American Tractors - specialists
in re-build Steiger and Ford FW's
Andrew Deptford Hire -
Hires out tractors and other machines while also having 2nd hand
APH Ltd - (all makes) New
site for the Peterborough based company, large stock of new and
2nd hand combines
Avonbridge Manchinery -
South Devon
Big Bale Co. - Large square
baler specialists
Border - used skid
steer loaders and mini excavators
Cambridge Farm
Machinery Ltd
Combine world - the
second-hand combine site that everyone knows about -updated regularly
- almost daily!
Rushton Machinery Ltd
Frank Atkinson - Unimog
Fentons of Bourne -
Renault tractors and Tata trucks
George Coles
Tractors - Tractor and combine specialist
G. E. Peacock & Son -
Agriculture specialists, Thirsk, North Yorkshire
G & R. Pykett -
large selection of used tractors in Derbyshire.
Hendersons Garden Machinery - also agricultural machinery in Eastern
Holtractors - East Sussex
Househam Sprayers -
Sprayer specialist
JCB Agrimart - (JCB)
large site with lots of JCB kit - frequent updates
JC Machinery - Regularly updated
Joe Turner -
Hedge trimmer specialist
Kellands - crop sprayer
Kevin Kirby Ltd - Combine
Knight Farm Machinery Ltd -
crop sprayers, new and secondhand
Manners Combine
parts - John Manners breakers
Mascus - Internet listing
of machinery
M & C Agriculture Ltd
Michael Burdge Ltd -
(most makes) Agricultural machinery sales - new site March 2000
- 2nd hand stock list
Midwest Machinery -
Specialist supplier of American and Canadian Farm Equipment
Nelson Green - Second
hand crawlers and spares
Plummer UK Ltd - Small
selection of used machines
Redlynch Agricultural
Engineering - Somerset
Remac - Secondhand tractor,
combine and sprayer importer/exporter
Richard Bland Tractors
Ltd - Shropshire
Rickerby -
Claas dealer for the south of Scotland - large stock
RTC Agriculture -
based at Newton Hollows, Frodsham in Cheshire
SPK Equipment Sales Ltd
Spray Care - Sprayer
Stalham Engineering Co.
Suffolk Agri Centre
T & H Handling -
Telehandler specialist
Tilstock Tractor
Hire - Tractor hire and sales (John Deere and Newholland)
Tractor Market -
(UK search) A VERY useful site which searches the UK dealers (run
Panels - Manufacturers and suppliers of replacement
body panels for agricultural tractors, based in Warwickshire,
Vaughan Tractors - Lincs
Agrimac - large selection
of 2nd hand equipment with some pictures
Agritrac - importer of balers
and harvesters.
Equipment Locator -
Machinery database in the USA - compare prices to the UK!
Monfort Service - a Belgian company based in Sorée. Created
in 1981, it is specialized in the import / export of agricultural
materials and civil engineering.
Matexport - Belgium based
machine exporter
Mortier Agri - Belgium
Based company, specialising in Combine Harvesters (45 minutes from
Staadegaard - Netherlands
based John Deere dealer
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